The Dane County Cities and Villages Association will hold a virtual roundtable discussion at 12 p.m. noon on Wednesday, March 13, on the topic of municipal self-insured health plans.
The featured guest speakers will be Aaron Richardson and Mike Roche of The Alliance. They will be giving a broad overview of how municipal self-insured health plans work and considerations. There will be time for questions and discussion.
We invite you to participate if your municipality would like to learn more about the process of starting a municipal self-insured health plan or if you have information to share.
The virtual roundtable will last no more than one hour.
The Zoom link is below. We hope that you can join us!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 7052 1426
Passcode: 696232
Join by Phone:
Meeting ID: 898 7052 1426
Passcode: 696232