DCCVA to Hold Roundtable Discussion on CARPC 2050 Regional Development Framework Report and Committee
Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 1:25 PM
The Dane County Cities and Villages Association will hold a virtual roundtable discussion at 12 p.m. noon on Wednesday, April 13, to discuss the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission's 2050 Regional Development Framework report and how CARPC is seeking nominations to a committee to guide Framework implementation.
CARPC in mid-February sent a notice to municipal elected officials, planners and non-government stakeholders asking for feedback on the report. Further, CARPC had asked municipal stakeholders for suggestions for people from their community to serve on a new committee to guide Framework implementation. The deadline for comment has been extended to May 13, 2022 (see notice).
DCCVA held a membership meeting on March 9, 2022. DCCVA has received individual contacts and feedback at that meeting from a number of city and village members voicing questions and concerns with the report, the committee and possible implications. Some of the issues raised focused on the 2050 Framework vision and goals impact to city and village home rule; impact to CARPC and Department of Natural Resources (DNR) urban service area amendment applications (USAs) and approvals; and, whether similar promotion of policies and goals will extend to non-sewer and water (septic and well) growth and development.
The roundtable discussion will provide an opportunity for city and village elected officials, administrators and municipal planning staff to discuss the 2050 Framework report and promotion of the goals and vision. It is our hope that this roundtable discussion will help with the review and providing comments. Municipal planners are specially invited to participate in this roundtable discussion.
To submit comments to CARPC on the 2050 Regional Framework report:
Zoom link for the April 13 roundtable discussion:
Join by phone:
  • 1-312-626-6799
  • Meeting ID: 842 6097 7784
  • Passcode: 792300
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